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Music Copyright/Promotional Task

Commercial Music VS Production Music

Commercial music is music that was created with financial gain in mind. Usually being how singers receive their income, as it's that type of music the one most associated with commercial, music broadcast on the radio. Music we pay to listen to. It isn't easy or cheap to legally use this kind of music in your projects.

Production music on the other hand was specifically created for sync, it is not just for a single project and can instead be used for multiple legally. It can be used anywhere from ads to TV, films and other sorts of video content. Some production music is copyright free, with some needing a one-off payment. Overall, easier to legally use in your projects.



Production music is owned by music libraries which own the sync and master rights. These are easier to acquire than commercial music as you'd need the sync rights and the master rights from the music publisher and the record label respectively. These might reject permission to use the soundtrack, however not all is hopeless. You could record your own cover of the song, but you'd still need the sync and mechanical rights from the publisher. Therefore, it is overall easier to use production music.

CC is also important when considering which music to use. This is Creative Commons, a system that allows free, legal use of music for your projects. You can legally share songs, make copies for friends, use them in videos and make remixes! However, CC licensed music isn't free for all uses, for example you cannot use music licensed under a No Derivatives Work license. A No Derivatives Work license means the musician doesn't want you to alter, or adapt, their song, meaning you cannot legally use their work in video projects. It is important to credit the original artist and express the CC license used for the track.


I chose this track because it reminded me of all the words, I wish I'd told someone. Now that they're gone, the slow, calm and repeating sound helped put the thoughts into words.

The theme was longing, heartbreak, love? I ended up writing lyrics; they are something I'd rather not share, however. The clips came naturally, I pictured what I was feeling and added them to the song. There's fading fire, tranquil yet trembling water (underwater, no oxygen), season changes, couples coming in and out of frame. Time passed and things changed.

CC · Childhood Memories, Scott Holmes

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