I had to water down my survey as the initial one couldn't be used, therefore losing a lot of crucial information. After many website problems, and lots of frustration, I was eventually able to create something I liked nonetheless.
I initially opted for more open type questions but eventually had to use closed questions. I chose basic data collection questions based on Netflix, but also 1 involving the current project I'm developing.
This survey was distributed after being sent to our teacher.
Initial Survey
Final Survey
From 18 responses, my research shows on average people either watch Netflix everyday or sometimes. Only 1 out of the 18 said they don't watch Netflix.
I think the Genre question could have been different however, I didn't think of some of the genres I was given answers to.
The birthdays could've been better presented; some people said they were born in 2022. This gives us unreliable results of age groups. It would've been useful to still have asked gender.
Most people have said they watch Netflix on their TV, with mobile devices being the least used for Netflix.
If I redid the survey I'd have less options for the Series/Movies question, as most people watch a bit of both. 5 people only watch series, which I found quite shocking.
Not many people would watch the crime documentary, it is a niche interest.
I couldn't leave this unfinished.