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Multiple tracks helped separate the sound, making it possible to give multiple clips the same amount of volume. It also helped overlay sounds without sfx being lost in the process.

The animation was brought to life thanks to the sound, it helped it become a video rather than just moving images. The violinists became more than just moving statues.

The reference sheet provided helped tick off what I already had. The sounds picked came down to what I though the object would've sounded like, whether it was being smashed, played or tapped. Music was an integral part of the clip as it helped set the tone of the film, when the music abruptly stopped we knew something was wrong. Audience noises were also important to help add atmosphere.

Overall, I think I've added just enough sound to make it feel real, albeit I feel like the ending is lacking.

Feedback: "I enjoyed the detail to audio (the crowd reacting to the splats) however, I wish the audio faded out as well as fading in :)"


Establishing Shot

Mid Shot

Close ups

Extreme Close Ups

Over the shoulder


High angle/Bird's eye

Worm angle/Low angle

Two Shot



Close up

In the shot we can see her stern facial expression, as well as her trembling state. Which gives us insight on her nerves and the pressure she has to burden. Concentration is key.

Extreme close up

We can see the determination in her eyes. The closeness of the shot also gives the audience a feeling of unease.

Close up

Her mournful look is shown in this close up shot, giving us a chance to view her facial expressions and emotions, after learning of the passing of agent 007.

Over the shoulder shot

It gives us a view of her position in relation to the train. Time is running out; she has to shoot.

Mid shot

Her frozen state indicates that she's not sure of the decision she's about to make. It adds tension to the atmosphere.

Birds eye

Give us a view of the conflict.

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