Final Poster
Progress Screenshots
At first, I really struggled when searching for glass pieces I could use for my project. Once I found them, I tried a few different ways to cut them from their template, therefore you might see minor changes in the progress reports. After being satisfied, I added a blue tint to the glass to further match the division between the red and blue hues.
For the main image, I enhanced each individual color, turning the pinks into more of a red shade and slightly altering the blues. I touched on the magentas but, I had created too many hue/color balance layers at that point to be able to work with it. I even tried merging the layers but to no avail. I then decided to content-aware fill the missing piece, at the bottom, instead of enlarging or moving the image. I added more blood to the knife, as well.
I then located a font I liked for this project and placed it on the left after looking at existing Netflix posters of the genre.
I altered the temporary background and brought back the original background of the image, slightly enlarging it. I added a bit of smoke using brushes; Looking back, I probably should've pushed more on the red/blue divide. Nonetheless, I like how the blue creeps into the red side suggesting it's somehow taking over.
After that, I once again focused on the fonts. I found Netflix often uses sans-serif fonts in their posters, so that's what I chose. I procured a logo. And finally, I added the heading.
I realised I could easily fix this issue by making the picture black and white, and then adding the respective colors. The contrast between the 2 colors is stronger, making it stand out more. The blue smoke is gone, which I liked but nonetheless, it doesn't contribute to the contrast. I haven't found a poster where the Netflix logo isn't red, so it will have to remain slightly hidden.
In my research for a logo that wasn't red I've realised most companies use red for their logos.
I later decided to bring back the blue from the previous final poster.